Huis Uitsig is a residential faith-based facility and program of Badisa for the elderly and is situated in Parow North, Cape Town and is operated according to the values of the organization.

The board members, managers and personnel welcomes you and our wish is that Huis Uitsig will be a real new home to you and that you will truly be happy during your stay with us. Huis Uitsig continues to strive to provide a relaxed and affordable care environment. Huis Uitsig has the potential to accommodate 250 residents. Care is given 24 hours a day in the frail care unit as well as the Dementia unit. Our apartments provide 34 independent living opportunities.
Huis Uitsig provides safe, affordable residential care and assisted-living accommodation for the elderly from the age of 60 years with the necessary dignity and respect. We are a registered non-profit organization (NPO 011-891). Our programs make a valuable contribution to the quality of life for older persons. The goal of Huis Uitsig is to provide an acceptable, alternative home for the elderly person, especially those who need a more protective environment and care. Huis Uitsig is managed by a board of members whose duty is to help facilitate the continued acceptable level of services.